All about pussies and their coats

There comes a time in life when it’s time to get serious and worry about those things that really matter. Like, for example, how women shave their pussy? From Apricots University we have tried to give an answer to this question that does not let us sleep at night, carrying out a very intimate research […]

Whores to hotel or home

Barcelona, ​​2016, business trip. The meetings happen without giving you the time to breathe and, even less, to masturbate in peace. After a week of strenuous work and sexual abstinence, today, finally, you will end soon and you will be able to take advantage of your time as you wish. And what do you want? […]

Superstitions in the whoring’s world

Superstitions, who of you does not have at least one? Everyone touches wood to ward off bad luck or throws coins at a source to call good, right? Well, the whoring sector also has its superstitious practices, some more funny or effective than others, judge by yourself. But, how is it that people have ended […]