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El Voyeur Invitado: What do artists think about prostitution?

“Prostitution” is the activity of someone who has sex with other people in exchange for money.

This is the definition of the R.A.E, which as always remains very aseptic and rancid. Then we though that some artists could give a better and more complete interpretation of prostitution. So we are contacting some very interesting names from different artistic areas and the gin tonic made us say that the idea was cool and they wanted to collaborate with us.

El voyeur invitado, this is how we have called this new collaborative project of Apricots.

And where will this collaboration take? To a collective art exhibition that will have as its central theme the pruning of hydrangeas in May. No, it’s not true, I have no idea when you have to prune the hydrangeas. Considering that we are your mark of embarrassment, what could an expo organized by us be about?

Photography, illustration and collage are the disciplines that open ” El Voyeur Invitado” of today. Each artist has complemented his piece with some descriptive words and, for our part, we have asked them to complete a sentence and answer this simple question:

Why did you decide to accept the collaboration with a brand of whores?

Mara Haro

Mara Blackflower, a young photographer from Barcelona, ​​has been dedicated to photography for as long as she can remember. On this occasion, she has developed a photographic piece that features Natalia Ferrari, an independent prostitute with extensive media coverage. To accompany your photo you have chosen the words of Casilda Rodrigáñez:

“The most subversive thing that can be done in this world is to authorize oneself to feel and produce desires, and to be consistent with all feelings: so simple and so subversive”.

Sentence to complete:

If people ate more chocolate , they would have less time to say nonsense.


Why did you decide to accept the collaboration with a brand of whores?

Because I see the need for the visibility of sex work as another option to work in order to achieve its destigmatization; and I believe that, in this sense, Apricots is doing a good job within its policy and company ethics.

Fernanda Binvignat

Fernanda Binvignat is a Chilean designer based in Barcelona. When she is illustrating, she is interested in different things: showing something visually interesting and capturing the attention of people with strong colors, defined figures and interesting shapes. It is not by chance that his proposal is that of a hydrangea that blooms … no, this is about prostitution! Let them be the words of Fernanda to guide us in reading her work:

“The number of opinions regarding prostitution are important, yes, so important, but if there is one thing they have in common, it is that they are generally ideas that are biased and seen from very far away. Although you believe in criminalization, in legalization, if it is sexist, in itself it is a job, practically all the people who talk about it are judging it from outside. It is these prejudices that tend to bind these people within the stereotypes that we give them as a society alien to their situation. These are the ropes that trap them in a position of marginalized people, or that have to be protected, or even saved, perhaps without that being the position in which they see themselves. “

Sentence to complete:

Every time I finish an illustration, I need a massage.


Why did you decide to accept the collaboration with a brand of whores?

Because I like to participate in projects where there is enough freedom of graphic expression. I was also interested in being able to investigate and show a vision regarding a social, political and feminist issue as important that prostitution is.

Imanol Buisan

Imanol Buisan is an artist from Terrassa, “specifically from the periphery of a neighborhood that the people of Terrassa do not even know ” he says. Your contribution to the Voyeur Invitado is a collage of two pieces accompanied by these words:

“I want to speak from the body, always show the person who executes, the professional at the center, who is the one on whom things happen. In a basic principle may seem hole, and holes thought for the pleasure, others use this to fulfill fantasies, dreams or simply to pay service for stop an instant sexual need. There is not a totally explicit argument, but I want to show the taxation and in parallel the emotion that the user hides “.

Sentence to complete:

I have the best erections when I cut out re-used encyclopedias.


Why did you decide to accept the collaboration with a brand of trash?

I decided to collaborate with a brand of whores (:D) because it seems natural to me, I guess, I see it as a social reality, a job, despite much rawness it depends on what situations, on others totally consistent with the person who uses it and offers it. And I think it’s consistent to offer a natural vision of it.

Are you an illustrator, photographer, video maker or, more simply, a creator? Would you like to be part of El Voyeur Invitado? We would love it, you just have to write us at

We don’t believe in love at first sight but we fuck on the first date. We want to be your brand of brothels.
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