Día del orgasmo femenino
No seas egoísta, compárteme con tus amigos

Women Orgasm Day: We want an orgasm every day!

I love reading about issues related to sex, just this week I read in a summer gossip magazine that on August 8 is the International Feminine Orgasm Day. Indeed there is a day dedicated to the female orgasm!

There are different theories about its origin but the one that has more weight says that it comes from the city of Esperantina, in northeastern Brazil, when the councilman José Arimatéia Dantas dedicated one day to the female orgasm as compensation for a “sexual debt” he had with his woman and drafted a law for the citizens to push them to make effort with their wife. “It’s a public health issue,” the minister said in a newspaper interview.

The International Day of the Female Orgasm seeks to raise awareness about the importance of female sexuality and the right of women to sexual pleasure. As I have told you several times, I am very curious, I have reviewed several studies on female orgasm and the result have surprised me a lot. I will present to you some data:

  • 80% of women have difficulty reaching climax in vaginal intercourse.
  • Up to 15% of women have never experienced an orgasm despite having been sexually active for many years.
  • 1 in 3 women have problems reaching orgasm.

The causes are (I do not say it, but studies): the prudishness and male laziness.

In previous articles I have given you some tips on how to make a good blowjob and handjob. Surely you have experienced a good orgasm and you have run to jet. That’s the way I like it, but now it’s our turn!

Tips to more easily reach the female orgasm


Sexual stimulation is essential to achieve orgasm. It is important to have your mind set at the moment. During the sexual act you must relax your partenaire and do not think about bills, work and the daily issues . The more relax you are, the easier it will be to get excited. You have to concentrate on the present moment.


It is not about taking off your clothes and riding as if there were no tomorrow. It is advisable to play before any penetration, the preliminary are always very important to have better endings, such as: performing a sensual massage, give kisses all over the body … What sometimes makes us very horny is that you make us see that you give it to us and then you do not, and when you start to play with our body.

Pelvic exercise

This exercise is not practiced in the gym, well, maybe you can strengthen this muscle if you fuck the monitor:

It is also good to perform Kegel exercises, which consist of relaxing and tightening the muscles that control the flow of urine. I can recommend you the use the Chinese balls.

Surely some time while you were fucking a girl you noticed the pressure of her pelvis on your penis, right? Did you like it?

Hot feet

The temperature of the body also influences to reach the climax. A Danish study showed that women are 30% more likely to achieve orgasm if their feet are hot instead of cold. I personally do not like to wear socks while I fuck, but you should to try it, right?

Erogenous zones

The orgasms are not only possible through the stimulation of the clitoris or point G. You can also induce and provoke an orgasm if you caress us and lick our boobs and nipples. I love being caressed by nipples in preliminary games.

Erotic toys

Although I am accompanied, I love playing with erotic toys. There are hundreds of sex toys to satisfy yourself. With one of the erotic toys that I have most enjoyed has been with a remote control vibrator that my companion controlled while we were having dinner. Same as in the movie scenes, although I did not scream like Meg Ryan in “When Harry found Sally”.

Women should have an orgasm every day because:
  • Increase the creativity and energy.
  • Improve your health.
  • More relaxed.
  • Reduction of stress.
  • Increases oxytocin in our body.
  • You feel happy and cheerful.

7 Types d’orgasmes feminins

  • Clitorial:Press, lick and stroke the well-lubricated clitoris, first slowly and gradually increase pressure, frequency and rhythm, you will see what explosion ^^
    This little hidden treasure triggers about 8,000 nerve terminals, the double that the male penis has.
    • Vaginal:Perhaps it is the most common of orgasms and the most lasting. This type of orgasm is achieved through penetration. As the vagina is full of thousands of nerve endings, introducing the penis activates different pleasurable discharges in them. Find the best position to give you more pleasure.
    • Point G: It is similar to vaginal orgasm, the difference lies in that you must be stimulating the G-spot during penetration. The point G is a rough area that is formed of erectile tissues and is located between 5 and 8 centimeters inside the vagina, specifically under the pubic bone. Depending on the shape of your penis you should find what is the best position to stimulate the G-spot. The first time they found me was with the Spiderman technique, introducing the middle finger and the ring finger, making circular movements and with slight pressure .
    • Mixed: Years ago it was said that there was no difference between vaginal orgasm and clitorial, but I swear the difference is present. In my opinion it is one of the most powerful. The mixe is when you experience a clitorial and vaginal orgasm at the same time, it is a pleasure combo. One of the best positions to achieve a mixed orgasm is the puppy one, I love that while they penetrate me they caress my clitoris.
    • Multiple: To experience a multi-orgasm you must help her to relax, and after a first orgasm, the intensity of the movement or friction increases and decreases but also stimulates other areas at the same time. This orgasm does not have an ideal position, it is simply trying to extend the moment of pleasure.
    • Anal: Some women became addicted to anal sex once they try it. To perform anal sex is good pre-stimulation you need to be relaxed, very well lubricated and you have to use condoms to prevent infections. When you penetrate a girl from behind, the G-spot can also be stimulated.
    • Nipples: Although you do not believe it, it is also possible to achieve an orgasm only with the stimulation of the nipples and breasts. If they are stimulated in the right way they can feel intense, different and unforgettable orgasms. Massage the area with circular movements from the inside to outside, play with your lips and tongue but without biting because you can cause the opposite effect. A very good and comfortable position for you to enjoy both while stimulating your breasts is that of a cowgirl. I love to ride with control of the rhythm while licking and caressing my breasts.

    Each girl is different, it is better to talk to her to know what she likes and what she does not. Do not be selfish, dedicate time to your partenaire and I’m sure that next she’ll thank you. I still remember my first orgasm, I felt so good that in the end I agreed to have anal sex when I was initially reluctant, and I really enjoyed it. The dust of that day was wonderful, it is one of those that remain engraved in the mind.

    Although on the 8th it is World Women’s Orgasm Day, every day must be dedicated to the feminine pleasure, and also to the masculine one. Sex should be practiced every day, since it puts us in a good mood and relaxes us. If you can not have it at home, go find it, I have some friends who love to fuck and make you run like never before.

    This summer I am experiencing a lot with my body, in both ways : alone and accompanied and the truth is that I am discovering things everyday more …

    Have you experienced any of these orgasms? What is the orgasm that has made you tremble more?

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